Claude Writes His Will

"Otousama are you okay?" Sylvie asked her father, Claude.

"Everything is okay sweetie. How about you go get some rest, you must've been tired coming all the way here." Claude said as he went to his room.

"Sweetie Sylvie. You have killed your own father by coming home… Your mother, she will burn me at the stakes tomorrow…" Claude muttered to himself as he held his forehead with both hands.

Tears started to drip down his face as he opened a cabinet taking out a piece of paper and a quill with ink. He then started to write his will before putting it in an envelope directing it to Sylvie. He was prepared for his death tomorrow, as he knew there was no way he could escape from Laura.

After he finished writing his will, he hid it carefully. He then went to sleep while having nightmares of what would happen to him tomorrow.