Baiting Boars

"Snort." The boars were casually grouped together as they ate the grass.

"Wait, do boars eat grass? I thought they eat meat?" Maria asked as she was confused when she saw them.

"I think they eat anything," Elise responded as she never really wanted to tame ugly creatures.

"Who cares? Isn't our mission to subdue them anyway? Let's just finish it quickly." Benji said as he looked at the two.

"Agreed, they are easier to deal than wolves after all. All we have to do is avoid their attacks, which is easy to do since they are slow." Elise said as she started to set up pitfall traps.

"Benji lure them," Elise said as she hid a bit farther back with her bow after she finished setting up her traps.

"When they fall use your waterball on them, Maria," Elise added as the area of effect damage from the waterball would greatly increase the time it would take to deal with the boars.

"Alright," The two of them said as the plan started in action.