The Dungeon Lame Reward

"Ha, it is finally over." The group said as they all collapsed on the spot.

"Why is there a treasure chest in the middle of the room? Does someone want to go open it? I can't move my legs at all." Sam pointed out the alter that randomly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the arena with a treasure chest on top of it.

"It is probably the reward for clearing a dungeon. Let's just open it once we're all done. I am so exhausted…" Benji said as he laid on the ground closing his eyes.

"That's a no can do. In a few minutes after clearing the dungeon, we will be teleported back outside to the front of the dungeon. And then it will vanish from the world." Elise said as she got up to lift open the treasure chest that was shut.

"I wonder what's in here," Elise said as she opened it.

"What is it, Elise?" The group asked her as they just saw her stare at the stuff inside the treasure chest with a stunned expression.