Benji's Trap Kit

"Why don't you leave me alone already golem!" Maria shouted at the golem that was still swinging its arms towards her as she ran around the room while breathing really roughly.

"..." The golem just continued to swing its arms at her as if not hearing her.

"Gah! I will get you back for this one da-- KYAAAAAA!" Maria said as she turned around to look at the golem before stepping on something and losing her balance.

"WHY IS THERE A PITFALL HERE!" Maria exclaimed as she fell into a pitfall trap.

"Why'd you step in that Maria!" Benji shouted at her.

"Benji!? Where are you!?" Maria asked him.

"I am camouflaged right now! So you obviously can't see me, however. Why'd you go and activate the pitfall trap! What is wrong with you!?" Benji scolded her.

"How am I supposed to know there was a pitfall trap here!?" Maria shouted at him as she quickly got out of the pitfall trap to escape from the golem.