Bracket A Begins!

"Do you see any of your friends on stage Sylvie?" Laura asked her.

"Mmm… I only see one of them, he's the boy with the katana near the middle. He's wearing those samurai-like armour pieces just without the helmet." Sylvie said as she explained it so it would be easier for her mother to spot Lance.

"Oh, I see him now. He even has a lot of MP too. There isn't really anyone strong in this bracket, so he will cleanly sweep through it." Laura said as she looked at Lance before swiftly glimpsing over the rest of the contestants.

"He's a swordsman though. Why would he have so much MP and not become a mage?" Sylvie asked her mother.

"If you're a swordsman with a mage, you can unleash your attacks using a physical boost to make it stronger. Or, you can even use special skills which will take a lot of MP." Laura explained it to her.

"Oh," Sylvie said as she had not learned any skills yet, and had only been referencing to stuff from games an anime.