Going Back To The Group

"Well anyway, there will be a 15-minute break before the next match will begin! Please go do whatever you need to do, get your friends, grab a snack, grab a drink. Do whatever you need to do, maybe get some autographs while you're at it!" The announcer said as he disappeared off to somewhere after saying that.

'Hmm, I wonder what good food there is. I am starving,' The announcer thought as he went to one of the stalls to get himself some food. He was pretty hungry after all, and commentating was making him use a lot of energy.

"Good job Lance! However, I think you have a contestant! That Richard Baroque looks really scary." Maria said when Lance walked off the ring.

"Yeah, he can use a sword pretty well. I can't wait to face him during the one on ones." Lance said as his blood was craving for some more fights. Even his katana agreed as it hummed in happiness.

"When could your sword talk?" Maria asked him.