
"Welcome back Elise, and good work," Lance said when Elise came back to the group.

"Yeah, I didn't expect there to still be more than five people remaining after I did that though, still shows there are still some talented individuals," Elise said as she nodded at him.

"I mean, the more talented individuals, the better for mankind. Wouldn't you agree with me?" Benji said.

"Yeah, you're right. As long as their powers are used for the greater good, and not for the evil." Elise said as she sat down by Maria.

"Anyway Elise, the guy you were fighting made me laugh so badly. His reaction when he accidentally stabbed the guy made me go crazy." Maria said as she recalled that moment.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny. I would've laughed too a little, had I not been fighting." Elise said truthfully as she did find it funny, as he was trying to beat her up so badly but got beaten up instead.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be in the mood to laugh if I was getting attacked either," Maria said.