Bracket D/ Beastkin Race Still Discriminated

"See, what did I tell you, of course, I'd pass this round," Benji said as he walked back towards the group looking at Lance.

"Congratulations, I actually didn't think you'd be able to use the trap kit and would end up kicking and punching everyone to death," Lance said as he looked at Benji in surprise.

"Hehe, I did it when I sensed no one looking at me. I silently covered my torso first before I immediately hid when they looked away." Benji said as he made the peace sign.

"Nice," Maria said.

"So who's up next now?" Maria asked as she looked at Sam, Chad, and Maal.

"I am up next nya," Maal said.

"Are you prepared?" Maria asked her as she started to rub Maal's head.

"I am nya," Maal said as she let Maria pat her.

By this time, it was already almost dusk. However, there were even more spectators coming. As people were finally finished with their jobs and were able to come to watch with their family.