Contract Aftermath

"Nnh…" Sylvie stirred awake as she tried to rub her eyes.

"Ow!" She cried out when she tried to move her arms.

"It hurts!" She cried out as she realized her entire body was in pain.

"Sweetie! You're awake! Are you okay?" Laura asked her when she walked into the room.

"Okaasan, it hurts…" Sylvie said weakly.

"What hurts?" Laura asked her daughter with a serious face.

"My entire body… It hurts so much…" Sylvie said.

"Oh, it's just the aftermath of contracting with something that is much stronger than you," Laura said, as she had experienced this before.

"Just be brave and strong, the pain will go away sooner or later," Laura said as she encouraged Sylvie again.

"Can't you heal me or something? It hurts so much. I can't even move!" Sylvie cried out as she looked at her mother.

"Nope, the pain is actually mentally. It isn't a pain you actually have, it's like your soul. I can't heal souls." Laura explained to her daughter.