RMC1 VS RMC2 (2)

"Ugh!" RMC1 groaned as he brought up his sword to block RMC2's impending attack. Knowing that he was unable to have time to rest, he decided to start going on the offensive.

"Ha!" RMC1 gave out a warcry as he turned into a flurry of movements while he was brandishing his iron sword upon his opponent.


However, due to RMC2 being covered in full iron gear, RMC1 was unable to land any hits onto his physical body. His blade merely bounced off RMC2's armor.

"Are you done yet?" RMC2 asked him as he lifted his mace up high in the air.

"If so, that was disappointing." RMC2 said as he brought his mace down upon RMC1.

"GAHH!!" RMC1 cried out as he was hit squarely in the gut sending him flying sideways out of the stage and into the colosseum walls.