Underground World Colosseum Ranking Explained

"Phew, I finally made it to the spectator seats safely…" Maria let out a breath of relief when she realized she had made it to the colosseum seats.

"I wonder when they will fight." She said as she looked towards the middle of the colosseum where the rings for each match was located.

"Oh right! I should actually go to the betting stands first!" Maria said as she had just realized the group had told her to make sure she bet on them for the money.

"Now where is the betting stand?" Maria muttered to herself as she got up out of her seat and started looking around the colosseum.

Inside the Colosseum Waiting Room -

"Wow! There are so many big dudes here!" Chad said as he looked at the giants who could somehow fit in the colosseum.

"Snort, what are you kids looking at. Get outta here, this is the place for adults." A giant man with a lot of muscles said as he looked at the group.

"Oh no worries, we're here to fight too," Sam said as he looked at the man.