Chad Loves Maria?

"Surely you weren't joking though right Benji?" The boys asked him as they all walked towards the colosseum.

"I wasn't joking, trust me. She'll be there." Benji said as he waved his hands in front of him trying to ward off those bad stares.

"Alright, if she isn't there. We'll literally beat you up, and make sure you'll tell Sylvie the reason why Maria isn't with us." Chad said as his hands clenched together.

"Calm down, you're overreacting so badly. I told you she is there. Chad you know you can't beat me. So put away these fists." Benji said as he looked at Chad.

"Fine," Chad said.

"Alright let's go. Stop arguing, you are getting on my nerves." Lance said as he looked at Chad.

"Yeah let's go. Why are you doubting each other so much? We've known each other for nearly a year already. If Benji said that Maria is safe, that means she is safe." Sam said as he followed Lance.