Sylvie Stuck In A Dream World

'Ugh… Wait a second, why isn't my bed soft? What happened? Did I fall off the bed? No, wait, why does it feel as if grass was touching my skin?' Sylvie thought to herself as her eyes were still closed from sleeping.

"Hmm? Where am I? This isn't my bed… Wait, this is grass? I am not inside a house but outside?" Sylvie muttered to herself as she got up and rubbed her eyes.

She then slowly got up and started looking around herself. She found out that she was in a jungle somehow, with all those tall trees full of lush.

Especially with the nearby flowing river, that had probably been linked to a waterfall. There were even animals like monkeys that were looking at her from afar.

"What in the world actually happened? Didn't I finally get out of the torture that the Sakura Frost blade had brought upon me? How come I wake up somewhere like this just in one night?" Sylvie said to no one in particular as she started to explore.