Who's Arrogant?

"Alright, are both contestants ready?" The commentator asked as he looked at the two.

"Yeah, we are ready!" Benji's opponent shouted as he took out his iron sword that was at his waist.

"Yeah," Benji said casually as he nodded his head getting in a close quarter combat stance.

"Alright, you two were having a spicy conversation down there before we started. So, let's see who truly is the one that deserves to be arrogant here!" The commentator said.

"The match begins in 3!"



"Begin!" The commentator and the audience said as they announced the start of the match.

"Haa!" Benji's opponent said as he dashed in right away and swung with his sword.

"It's always like this for us. You all get cocky, pull out your sword, wait for the cooldown, and come charging right at us without any form. This isn't any game you nobles play hunt as. A fight is a fight where the stronger one wins," Benji said as he ducked to the side.