What's Wrong With Sylvie?

"Hur hur, we will stop at this town for today. I need to stock up on supplies and etc," The carriage driver said as he paused at a town that was on their route to the forest.

"Alright, we'll rent a room at an inn or tavern then," Kias said as he carried a sleeping Shiro to find an inn or tavern to sleep in.

After asking town locals, he was finally redirected to a decent tavern that wasn't expensive. The food there was delicious enough to say, so he and Shiro found a pretty decent place.

"Sleep, make sure you're ready for tomorrow's travel. There will be danger up ahead since we're heading somewhere secluded and rural," Kias said as he looked at Shiro who was on another bed.

"Yes, I will. Goodnight Kias," Shiro said as she pulled the bedsheets and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight," Kias said as he did the same before falling asleep.