Kias & Tavern Owner Conversation

"Ugh… Finally a new day. My mouth is no longer on fire…" Kias muttered as he woke up.

He then looked to his left on the other bed where Yumi and Shiro were both sleeping together.

'It might've been not bad if I was still a teen… No one would complain about me having two cute girlfriends walking around now huh? Too bad I am old now, I would look like an old geezer if I were to fall in love with them now,' Kias thought inside his head as he got up from his bed and left the room.

'Oh well, today we will be going to subjugate that wyvern anyway. Hopefully, those two don't get hurt. Maybe we can slowly integrate Yumi into our party somehow someway,' Kias thought inside his head as he didn't want to leave Yumi alone in case she was to be in the same predicament as she was before she met him.

"Good morning mister," The person running the tavern said as Kias came down to the first floor after washing his face.