One More!

"Hmm… That's weird. I've visited nearly all of the shops already. How come I haven't seen them yet?" Kias muttered to himself as he walked to the last store that was on the map.

"Well, they probably won't be in here. They probably left a while ago, but whatever." Kias said as he entered the building.

"Welcome. How may I help you?" An old lady's voice was heard from behind the counter.

"Don't mind me. I will just be looking for clothes. Are there clothes on the second floor?" Kias asked as he pointed at the stairway that was near the wall.

"Indeed. It goes up to the third floor. The third floor is all lingerie though. There will be security there for obvious reasons." The old lady said as she explained each floor with its type of clothing.

"Oh, thanks then." Kias said as he went to the second floor.

"Shiro! Stop that is enough!" A familiar voice was heard as he was walking up the stairs.