Plans For The Future

"We will send an investigation team out to check the location out. After confirming the dark essences of the Demon King, we will tell all the other countries." The voice said.

"Before I end the call. I have one more thing to say." The Guild Master said to the voice.

"You may speak. What is it that you want to say?" The voice asked him.

"I think it's time we start to gain a good relationship with the Church for now. Just in case, we never know if it may be too late to summon a hero." The Guild Master suggested to the voice.

"Alright, that will be part of our plan. We can't risk anything after all. Last time, three SS-ranked adventurers died to the Demon King after all. And the others were heart-broken causing them to seclude themselves now." The voice said as he agreed.

"We would need someone to train them though. Who do you recommend?" The voice asked the Guild Master.