Lance Vs Elise

"Hmm~ I am so tired ah!" Sylvie said as she looked at her mother.

"Calm down Sylvie. Today is the last day of the tournament anyway. It's your friend Lance against Elise. Though I have to say, this is a pretty interesting match up." Laura said as she looked down at her daughter.

"Why is that so?" Sylvie asked her.

"Because Elise is a ranged person with her bow. Sometimes only going to her daggers when necessary for close combat. Meanwhile, your friend Lance is a swordsman. He will have to get in close. In war, you rarely see that, as people would have to get past the tanks in the front-line." Laura explained to Sylvie.

"Oh, I see now. So it is rare that the two classes ever fight each other?" Sylvie asked.

"Well, it isn't that rare. It is only rare in group battles of the sort. You mostly see this happening in duels such as this. Otherwise, you never see it at all." Laura said slowly as she stroked Sylvie's head.