Finding Sylvie

"Oh, food." Sylve said as she walked to a table that was filled with food completely ignoring the speeches that her friends were saying.

"I am starving after all. Ignoring my friends' speeches while eating wouldn't hurt at all right? It's not like they came up with the speeches themselves anyway." Sylvie muttered as she started to eat.

"Nom nom nom nom nom." Sylvie was enjoying herself in the delicacies while her mother was trying to find her.

"How do I just put her down for a second and she's already gone!?" Laura muttered to herself as she was looking for Sylvie.

"Ah. What speeches. I already listened to them. Say Syl- Where did you two go?!" Maria cried out as she looked to her right to see the mother and daughter pair gone.

"All I did was look at the stage for a second and you're both already gone! How is that even humanly possible!" Maria muttered as she went in search of the pair.