Battle For Survival

"Not happening today bud!" Benji came out of nowhere as he stood in front of Sylvie and blocked the man's punch.

"Wha-!" The man cried out as he bounced back after being overpowered by Benji.

'Where did he even come from!? It was like he was always there, but we just couldn't see him!' The intruders thought as they looked at Benji seriously.

The man who had originally thrown a punch at Benji looked over at his allies. His allies also looked back at him. They nodded at eachother.

'We have to take out these two first! Wiping out the numbers is easier than just fighting the strongest!' They all thought inside their head as they all charged at Sylvie and Benji.

"Ivy Vines!" Sylvie said as she casted a spell which invoked roots from the ground to latch onto the intruders legs and arms immobilizing them.

"Kuh! What is this!" The intruders all cried out as they struggled to get out of the grasps of the vines.