Sword Idiot

"B-brat... Now you're done for... Since I am going to die... You will die too! The boss is on his way over here, none of you can stop him! It is too late! Now just wait for your lowly fates! Hahahaha!" The woman said as she laughed maniacally at Elise before she died.

'I am surrounded by people that have problems in the brain everywhere... Even strangers too... They can even laugh as they die. Such an odd, strange world and society that I am apart of.' Elise thought inside her head as she went to find more intruders before killing them all as well.


"What? That woman has died? And that man is injured? They let themselves get injured by a bunch of brats? They are useless! Looks like I need to enter the fray myself!" The man said as he went to grab a black cloak and his scythe as he left the building to head towards the academy.