Devil's Path

After charging up to the group, he threw a punch at Sam who was prepared with his shield.


"What!" They cried out when the man's fist collided with the shield and sent him flying.

"You're next you know!" The man said as he turned to the rest.

"Don't get so cocky now!" Chad said as he threw out 16 cards of white.

"16 Cards of White: Binding!" Chad said as he locked the man in place.

"Not... Happening!" The man shouted as he broke out of the chain within a second.

"Sh*t! Watch out!" Chad cried out as he threw a red card at the man.

"Card of Red: Fire Storm!" The group waited to see if the man could come out unscathed.

"Hmm? Where is the other one of you? I remember seeing one more male here..." The man said as he started looking around. It was then did he lock his eyes onto Benji who was camouflaged.