Extra Chapter 4

"Master!" The boy and girl said as they turned around to face him.

"Oh, it's a little brat. What do you want here kiddo? Are you picking a fight in my store?" The man said as he looked at Lance.

"No, wait, master! He wasn't picking a fight! Andy was the one who picked a fight and tried to sneak attack him!" The little girl said immediately as she once again tried to defend Lance.

"Is that so? Then surely Andy must've had a reason for attacking him out of the blue like that." The man said as he looked at boy as if waiting for an answer.

"He was insulting your works, master!" Andy said as he pointed at Lance.

"So, why were you insulting my work?" The man said as he looked at Lance.

"Who said I was ever insulting your work? That little boy over there is just making things up." Lance said as he had his katana sheathed.

"So are you making things up Andy?" The man said as he looked at Andy.