Extra Chapter 6

"Ha!" Taku gave a battle cry as he was the first to charge aiming a palm fist towards Benji.

Benji seeing how slow the attack was, even though it seemed quick to others, quickly and deftly dodged the attack. Seeing an opening he unleashed his own palm fist towards Taku's side.

"!!!" Taku seeing this opened his eyes wide in shock as he tilted his body a little bit so he would have enough time to dodge the attack. Already thinking of a counter, Taku using the initial force of his tilt made it become a full turn. Slowly bending down, he brought his leg up as he tried to give Benji a roundhouse kick.

"Eat this!" Taku said as he aimed at Benji's face.

However, Benji already saw it coming as he spun and kicked with his own leg too instead of trying to dodge the attack.