Extra Chapter 16

"How did they catch up already!? Aren't they supposed to be heavy and slow? How can they be here already!?" Maria cried out as she started running.

"There's another small crevice here! Let's go in so we can take another small break!" Elise said as her eyes had caught a small opening.

After fleeing by escaping down the hill. The golems eventually caught back up to them. They were back to square one, which was hiding inside a small crevice where the golems couldn't reach them.

"How much longer do we have!?" Sam cried out as the sun was already starting to set.

"I have no idea! Is it just me, or are the golems moving even faster now!?" Maria cried out as she held onto her staff.

"No, it's just us that are getting exhausted. I guess we're mentally exhausted to the point where they seem fast now. If we can't deal with mere golems Sylvie summons, how can we expect to deal with other monsters?" Lance said as he was breathing roughly.