Extra Chapter 19

The two sides fought. With the golems having the upper hand, as they had unlimited stamina and were indestructible.

Elise's group were slowly getting tired. They were exhausted as they had already used up almost all of their energy. With barely any mana left, they all had to resort to pure strength and techniques to be able to survive.

With every punch the golems gave, Sam would have to dodge as he could no longer defend it. Otherwise, he would be sent flying and take a considerable amount of damage. Lance was also the same, as he could no longer counter the moves with his own. He had to resort to parrying which also took a huge toll on him. As he had to calculate which move to do next to parry without taking significant damage.

They had all lost track of time. The only things on their minds were to survive. They were almost only relying on using their survival instincts to help them avoid any danger, barely keeping their own lives.