Extra Chapter 22

"We're finally back!" The group cried out in unison as they stood before the city gates.

"Oh, what are you young ones doing here at such a time? Don't you know it's already night? Why do you all look so battered up? Just what happened to you all?" A gatekeeper asked them.

"Tons of things... Can we go in now? I want to take a shower and go to sleep so badly. We are so exhausted right now." Maria said immediately as she looked at the gatekeeper.

"Uh... Sure? Go on, make sure you all get enough rest. You all look like a mess and that you could fall unconscious in just a few seconds." The gatekeeper said as he opened the gates for them to pass through.

"Thank you..." They all said as they walked inside the city as if they were zombies.

"What do you think happened to those kids?" A man running a stall asked a nearby vendor.