Extra Chapter 39

"Honestly, all I can suspect is that it was done by an SS-ranked adventurer. There were no other beings near. And which devil would destroy his own altar? I don't recall dungeons ever being able to explode either." The adventurer said as he finished his story.

"So that was just a random occurrence that you somehow just happened to be nearby to witness? And you were unable to confirm what it was?" Chad asked him when he heard the story.

"Well, after that I of course had to tell the guild master what had happened. I mean the earthquake was felt from very far after all. They thought there was going to be a devastating earthquake that would wipe out their entire town." He replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"However, since they destroyed something that was infested with so many monsters and creatures. Something that was most likely a dungeon or a demonic altar. They were probably an SS-ranked adventurer." He said once more.