Extra Chapter 42

As you all can see I am now going premium! However, this is still the extra chapter. You can decide not to read this and wait for Volume 3! (vol 2 ended up being this sorri). I will be putting the chapter number which is Volume 3 in my summary when I get there for all to know. As for now, have fun reading~ It is also was my bday yesterday and I was streaming on twitch.tv/fuyumiria at 6 PM CST.

"Well, it is our turn I suppose? The leader of the Blood Moon Witches said as she started to tell her tale.

"Honestly, every year we slowly gain a new addition to this party. It's really nice you know? Originally it was just me and Christine here." She said as she wrapped her arms around another girl who blushed in embarrassment. 

"Trista... Everyone is looking at us you know..." Christine said shyly as she looked at her leader with her face flushed red.