Oh. That's... Probably my fault..

Not having quite connected the dots yet, Shuhang was a bit stunned at their quick decisions. He thought for sure that he had to wait for the Devils to make their appearance at least.

Shuhang: "...good. Don't resist. I'll have to transfer you guys to a different space for a bit so I can transport everyone at the same time. You as well, Kuroka."

Not seeing any objections, Shuhang enveloped everyone in his spiritual energy and put them all into a stasis state and brought them to his inner world. Once that was done, he gathered up the dead bodies and sealed them along with their still lingering souls so he could revive them later. As soon as his work was done, the Devils had shown up as he expected. In the lead were two figures that Shuhang instantly recognized. Even though they appeared to be a bit haggard and had wounds here and there. Ddraig did quite a number on them it seems...

On one side was Shuhang who sat lazily upon his throne upon the silently hovering vimana, still emitting a bright glow. On the other side were a few dozen or so Devils. Leading them were [Lucifer] and [Leviathen]. Also formerly known as Zirzechs Gremory and Serafall Sitri, two of the biggest sis-cons in the underworld. As Shuhang was about to open his mouth, he was rudely interrupted by the 'Mahou Shoujo' when she finally recognized who it is they were facing.


Stunned at the sudden yell of accusation, and the massive killing intent emitted, Shuhang could only let out a confused "Uh...?" Not just Shuhang, even the Devils that followed their leaders now bore confused faces as well. As if just recognizing who Serafall was talking about, Zirzechs also put on a look of realization.

Suddenly, yet another intense killing intent was released. Around the body of Zirzechs was a dark red aura mixed with sparks of electricity. At his display, even Shuhang was impressed as he could sense the chaotic property of Zirzechs' energy which could destroy--no, erase everything. Well...everything that is below 8th Stage, Profound Sage in strength that is. As for those at around the 7th stage... While they may not be able ignore it, they would still be able to resist it at least. This is not because the destructive property is weak. It is only because Zirzechs is not using it properly. At least, that's what his 'Library' is telling him, flaw wise, which automatically activated the moment Zirzechs' energy started to flow out.

Zirzechs: "Yes... I would like to know as well. Whatever you did before, my Ria-tan hadn't been herself for these past few months. Always absent minded... Not even eating her food. And always looking as if she's lost something precious. You'd better answer me carefully other wise... I'll teach you why 'I' am [Lucifer]."

Throughout the whole exchange, Zirzechs was smiling calmly the whole time, as if he was talking to an old friend. No one were fooled by his display however. Other than his fellow 'Satan', everyone else were shivering from the pure malice being emitted.

(The hell...? I don't remember doing anything though? Judging by Serafall's behavior, her little sister, Sona Sitri, is probably in the same situation. The problem is... I don't know what I did..? Also, few months? I was here just the other day though? Must be the different time flow bullshit that each world follow then...)

It seems that Shuhang's silence had grated on Serafall's patience as the temperature continued to fall at incredible speed. It got so cold that Shuhang almost felt sorry for the Devils standing behind the 2 pissed off Satans. Almost... Although, wouldn't he lose too much face of he just took their threats without saying anything?

With that in mind, Shuhang stood up from his 'Throne' and dismissed the Vimana. Then with a smirk, which seemed to have provoked Serafall even further, he no longer suppress his strength and let everything loose all once. To everyone's surprise, he wasn't done yet Shuhang willed his [Boosted Gear] to manifest and silently go full [Balance Breaker].

To the Devils further surprise, as well as Shuhang this time, the expected armor didn't appear. What he got instead was a multi colored aura which enveloped his figure fully and cloaked his figure. From the outside, Shuhang no longer resemble what one would call a human, but a glowing bundle of chaotic energy with a humanoid shape. As for his immense aura and strength, now not any weaker than a tribulation immortal, competely floored the other Devils one by one as they couldn't help but fell out of the sky. Only the two 'Satans' were able to resist the suppressive strength and aura. Although, their faces seems to have gone a shade paler than before as they realized the person in front of them were stronger than they thought. At least on par with them and they were sure that what they were seeing is not even 100%...

Shuhang: "Hold your tongues, Devils. Even the Buddha would get angry if you suddenly accused him without a full explanation."

Serafall: "Don't play dumb with us! It was definitely who was with SOU-TAN and Ria-tan at that time!"

Unlike Zirzechs who became a bit calmer from Shuhang's display of power, Serafall who is the more impulsive of the two still looked as if she was ready to throw down the proverbial gauntlet.

Zirzechs: "That color and aura... so that's why you ended up in such a weakened state back then... You are the rumored 'return of the' [Dragon God] that is said to rule over [Reality] and [Origin]. The one that wreaked havoc and brought chaos to the super natural world a couple months ago with your fight against the Apocalypse Dragon.

Shuhang: "..."

(Well shit. Did I really do all that? Also, that title again... Looks like I'll have to come back here some time in the future for more answers.) thought Shuhang idly as he kept his eyes on the two Satans.

Zirzechs: "You are definitely powerful. More than likely stronger than us combined if you had the ability to go toe to toe with Great Red. That doesn't matter however if... You are the cause of my Rias' current condition and it isn't fixable, I'll put my life on the line here and become the first ever Slayer of a Dragon God!"

Shuhang: "....I will look at their conditions and if it really is my fault, I'll help them out."

Said Shuhang after a bit of thinking all the while powering down from his balance breaker state. This action had of course calmed down the 2 Satans a little as they power downed as well. Their body immediately stiffened up when they heard his words next.

Shuhang: "Should it be baseless accusations however... be prepared to pay the price!"

Or so he exclaimed but... Hearing the symptoms, Shuhang was almost 80% sure it was the fault of his charm. More than likely, he unconsciously release it in full when he was weakened. As a self protection. Still... Gotta at least play the part of a domineering existence, even if one knows fully it was probably their fault....