Past and Present

Lin Feng waved his hand to say goodbye to respond with Tang Feng goodbye and watched his friend and son ride a soul taxi to go home

"sir there already result of the research 007 " there a flash of light in Lin Feng eyes as he heard his assistant report with a swift he fast enter in the spirit Pagoda


Tang Feng watch his spirit soul in the container thought in small because of the container, the Poisonous Segment Serpent have shine green scales it didn't have sharp scales so it have flexible and swift body also it have red eyes a symbol that it survive from harsh environment he though it until they arrive to their house as they welcome by Tang Feng Mom

" welcome home bother Wei and little Feng " she welcome them with a hug and smile while also give a kiss to their cheeks " let first eat before we start our conversation about your travel today "

she guide them in the dinning area as the food already prepaid and the lunch this time did not lavish like yesterday but still delicious as always

Tang Lui Wei talked to her about Lin Feng and what king of spirit soul Lin Feng choose also feel proud that Tang Feng result of spiritual power and body toughness was extraordinary, Lui Hui amaze by she heard also proud that her son have top talent as spirit master

" Lin Feng was right our right really like me a genius " Lui Hui tease her husband also give a kiss to her son while Tang Lui Wei only can silently accept her wife teasing as he know he can't win in the argument with her

Tang Feng feels like laughing as he know that his father don't want to sleep outside of their room so he did not contradict his mom about this

" little Feng you should start the fusion between you and your spirit soul so that you can early harmonize it" Tang Lui Wei remind Lin Feng so the early his harmonize with his spirit soul the great it benefits to him

Tang Feng complies with his dad so after the lunch he enter to the cultivation room in their home, the room big enough for more than 200 people inside before he start Tang Lui Wei thought him something that give him surprise

" Tang Feng before you start I will thought you the Mysterious Heaven skill of Tang Sect this martial arts was available to public after the war between humans and spirit beast 5,000 years ago " Tang Lui Wei said he did not perceived the shocked of Tang Feng as he focus to his lesson about the history this martial skill and teach him the foundation of this martial arts

Tang Feng surprised to heard the this most familiar name that there many comes to his mind a question that should needs answer just like the reason that Tang Sect name can be heard here as he know the different of this world from his past world also what connection of the Tang Sect and the Tang Sect of his past world this question needs time to find the answer

Tang Lui Wei end his lecture so Tang Feng started his fusion and holding the spirit soul infront of him with his left hand while he meditate to relax his body and he summon his Martial Spirit and synconize the two, the energy of his martial spirit and spirit soul slowly fused as if the two was one from the start but get separate from each other in the past it take less than a minute to complete the fusion between the two as Tang Feng open his eyes to his surprised his dad dumbfounded expression looking at him

Tang Lui Wei dumfounded how it easy for Tang Feng fused his martial spirit and spirit soul because even though the spirit soul was suitable to his martial spirit there still some differents so it should take 5 minutes to completely fused them not less than a minute his shocked can't hide his amazement and proud to his son

" little Feng you really can't stop to amazed me it easy for you to fused your martial spirit and spirit soul in less than a minute " his excitement evident to his voice full of joy and glad that his son future will not miserable like his thought

All parents want their child to have great achievement to there future choose of carer and Tang Lui Wei wasn't different from other parents when he first know what kind of martial spirit Tang Feng have, pain envelope his very being the agony come to it that his son dream needs to change for his good even if his full innate qi but now it different because of how it easy for Tang Feng fused his martial spirit and spirit soul in less than a minute he knows that Tang Feng can choose many variety of spirit soul to improve the potential of his martial spirit

Tang Feng wasn't surprised to his dad joy because he know what the meaning of how it take less than a minute to fused his martial spirit and spirit soul so he wasn't concerned about it but his most concerned is about the Tang Sect

" little Feng what you first spirit ring ability " Tang Feng wake up to his reflection as his dad asked him about his first spirit ring ability

" dad I demonstrate it so just stand there " Tang Feng respond and stand far from his dad the distance between the two was about 15 miters

Tang Feng raised his right hand and summon his martial spirit he started to move his spirit qi to his right hand that make his martial spirit produce more blue spirit grass other than his martial spirit it almost cover the cultivation room

Tang Lui Wei watched his son cover the room with many floating stalk of blue silver grass and disappointed that the first spirit ring ability of his son just give him let him summon more blue silver grass as he want to walked to his son the first spirit ring with purple color raise below to his son and float begins him was started to get bright and in blink of the eye his neck already bind by the cluster of blue silver grass like a rope and connected to end was hold by son

Tang Feng completely bind the neck of his dad so he strongly pull his dad toward him but did not success because his dad respond in time and give strength to his body so that he can't be full towards his son

Tang Lui Wei surprised that his neck already tied by like a rope of blue silver grass in a blink of eye and shocked by the strength of his son that he almost pull him towards his son

" little Feng you spirit ring ability was bind a normal ability of plant type martial spirit " Tang Lui Wei walked towards his son while talking about Tang Feng spirit ability

Tang Feng respond to his dad with smile as he know that his spirit ring ability was normal but he didn't explain that he can easy control his ability like his limbs and he can control at least 5 like rope of blue silver grass with great coordination just like how Poisonous Segment Serpent coordinate with his clone