Mountain Swift Art

" every 8-10am will be intense training while 12nn-1pm will be sparring while the rest of the day will be your self study or you can add any subject that you want " teacher Ford said with stern and cold voice as she wants the complete attention of her student to the what his saying so that she will not repeat again later

Tang Feng class standing in the field of school while waring a weight equipment with a total of 50 kilos of weight while those support system have only 10 kilos total of weight equipment

" first training 10 round jogging in the field and to those didn't finish the training in time should continue the training and didn't need rest until they complete it! ' the student whine because the school field was very big so they worried that they can complete the training

the children start there training lead by those spirit master in assault system as they have strong physique

Tang Feng run with stable breathing and rhyme make his body relax and stamina last longer even thought he have strong body compare to his peers with a weight equipment it's difficult for him to complete the training

the jogging of children have some rivalry as they compete for each other who will be the first to complete the training, Tang Feng jog attract the attention of the teacher she watch Tang Feng calmly running as if the he didn't rushed for to complete the training this give other student the impression that Tang Feng have give bad impression to the teacher do they started to run more faster

Tang Feng feel amused watching the other student excited to complete the training as he running with the student they didn't have sense the time there only small number student still running while the other can't continue as they have small stamina so it's they exhausted their stamina fast

they watch Tang Feng stable breathing while running his legs still didn't have clue of stress as if he just started his run if not for the sweat on his forehead and shirt then they will think that Tang Feng didn't run but just waking

Tang Feng only need 2 round of jogging then he completed the training there only 8 student running on the field without stopping not counted him, this student have high grade martial spirit and 6 of them are from assault system while the other person the girl that gave Dream Beast martial spirit while the other person have wind spirit and this 8 student and Tang Feng complete their training

" those who complete the training can to there dorm to clean their self and change their clothes also they can have breakfast while the other student continue all your training " Teacher Ford said with cold and strict voice as she don't want the student to relaxed

Tang Feng walked fast towards the dorm so he can clean himself and also he can eat early so that he can have good rest, school dorm for 1st year student are only for individual then for 2nd year and higher student they share room with their teammate while other students don't want teammate so they can have their own room

after Tang Feng wash and eat in the school canteen he walked towards the school field as the school field where student have sparring to each other it take 10 minutes before he arrive on the field he saw his classmates still doing the training so he didn't disturb them while search for good spot to meditate as their only more than hours to meditate

Tang Feng found a spot under the tree so he meditate there no one to disturb he easy for him to enter in deep meditation, Tang Feng breathing sync with nature as he breath in and out the spirit qi enter his body and circulate to every corner of his body while also gathering to his dantian minutes later his breathing change his presence have the aura of indomitable and stable aura while also have the free and swift of the wind this presence stay in 50 minutes before Tang Feng stop his meditation

Tang Feng stand with smile as he feel the cultivation method that he practice the Mountain Swift Art have very strong effect to his body this Method temper his body toughness and make more flexible like the mountain and wind this two concept make more his body have strong so Tang Feng satisfied to his cultivation method

Mountain Wind Art was same level with Heaven Secret Art from Tang Sect this two Method have same fast gathering of spirit qi but the Mountain Wind Art can temper the body toughness and flexibility it can dig deeper of the potential of mortal body but also break the potential of human body

Tang Feng walked to the gathering spot of his class almost his classmates already there so the he walked fasted so that the teacher will mad at him, Tang Feng waited for 5 minutes before the teacher arrived and started to take the attendance

"ok! this time the class will start the sparring between student I pointed the first student who will sparring while the student can choose your sparring partners while the rule of sparring you can't injured your sparring partner also you can't used your martial spirit and spirit soul as this only sparring " teacher Ford point to the boy with military hair as he the one the first to sparring, the boy surprised but soon calm his mind as he walked and stand in the front the boy have fire tiger martial spirit while he choose as sparring partners is shadow cheetah the two stand in the center while the student surround them

the two sparring with each other for each other exchange with hits they may have different fighting style the sparring still take 10 minutes before teacher Ford stop the sparring

Tang Feng watch the sparring between his peers and watch the benefits of martial spirit to the spirit master also check the different fighting style for each of his classmates until he was chosen of his classmates to be his sparring partners Tang Feng sparring partners called Alvin have big build compare to his peers because he have Black Bear martial spirit

Tang Feng stand opposite to his opponent who stare at him with bad thought when teacher Ford give the start signal of the sparring

Alvin quickly near his distance between Tang Feng and him while Tang Feng watch him get near him as Alvin already on front of his opponent he open his palm and aim at the chest of Tang Feng who only bend his body back while used his hand to balance his body and kick Alvin to his chin that make him walck backwards

Tang stand after his kick and didn't give a chance to his opponent Tang Feng dash towards Alvin and give him some moderate punch two from shoulder and one to the stomach that make Alvin kneel to pain

teacher Ford stop the sparring and praise the fighting awareness of Tang Feng while also give pointers to Alvin where the reason of his loss, Tang Feng walked and sit to his spot while listening to the pointers of his teacher


Small theater

ML: my baby is so good

Tang Feng : ....


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