Into The Woods

"Wait one fly-seeded moment! Where do you think you are going?"

The flushed, squat female puffed to her full height. A hastily fashion buns drew the woman's hair to the top of her head. The pressure of the bun pulled the woman's eyes into narrow slits, giving her an overly suspicious gaze. Her gaze was marked by tiny copper pupils set over a soft wide nose against flush pursed lips. Her tired fists anchored at her waist, rest just above her full hips. Her stance drew wide and she tensed her knees, ready for combat. Yet, despite her imposing stance, even her high drawn tuff of hair was overshadowed by the full length loom behind her. Several twelve gallon basket sat two high in the background, some fully reinforced, others waiting for their turn. Each basket, though wide, only sat at two feet. Thus it was hard to for the woman to command a presence, herself barely seeing over the large baskets. Even so her pride made up for the lack of height. Her beady gaze narrowed on the auric curls that disappeared beneath a charcoal shawl. The shawl covered figure did not stop, but hurried past.

"Oi! I said stop! Get you back in here, right now!" The female waddled forward with a raised fist.

The figure rounded back on the woman and snarled. The woman faltered and took a few steps back. Her voice softened as she wavered. She pressed her lips into a thin line and rolled back her shoulders in order to reaffirm her order, "I said to stay in your room. You, get back in there, right now."

"Make me." The figured ripped down her hood and allowed her dark green eyes to bore into the small female before her. The woman whimpered and traced her steps back into her weaving corner. The emerald-eyed girl replaced her hood and seethed as she prepared to step into broad daylight.

'So bright!' She stepped out over the threshold. Big mistake. The door slammed close behind her, followed by the sharp thwack! of the lock key into its holding place, which sent an equally sharp stab into her already throbbing head. The girl held her hands out and fell to her left. Her fingers numbly grasped onto the weak post that held the lean-to roof to the house. She winced as the dilapidated wood screeched. She barely felt the splinters that entered her skin as she was trying to will the migraine away.

Surely, she was a sight to see. Half doubled over and clinging to a pole that wasn't sure enough to hold her weight. The girl took a dry swallow, forcing the nausea back down her throat. Her inhale was rasped and desperate. Dumbly, she shook her head. With each tilt, her ears rang; each movement only further irritated her senses. 'Need to get away.' She let go of the post and staggered forward. She didn't… she couldn't let anyone see her in this state. She needed to get away. But where?


She let out a soft whimper as her migraine seemed to dig itself deeper into her head before pushing toward her brow bone. Her hands twitched, the urge to cradle her head was strong, but it wasn't safe not yet. Even with the ache, a clear image of a nearby stream made itself known in her conscious. The girl nodded to herself once and walked as surely as she was able to manage, wincing with each step.

Walking away from the pack was a difficult thing to do. Her condition was already weakened; her sense jumbled and confused. Her constant step falls jolted her hips and the crunching of the thresh set her teeth on edge. The girl swallowed and listened around in vain. Her skin bristled. Her instincts were trying to force her back the way she came. A wolf's strength lies with the pack, just as the pack's strength lies in every wolf. Being this far off left her vulnerable, but she continued ahead. She needed the distance and she was sure that this far into the dead portion of the forest would protect her from any near passing rogues or scouts.

How far had she walked already? How much further? I c-can't… She missed her train of thought as her knees buckled from beneath her hips. It took several moments for the crisp, sensation of the spring's water to register. The soft upturn of her lip at her mild success allowed the last bit of her strength to fail her as her pitched forward into the shallow stream.

'I can't breathe. My lungs are burning. But I must keep going. They need me to keep going. I must keep fighting. A large beam of fire fell and blocked the path, throwing me off balance. I let out a cry. This was the end. The heat was too much for any of the other to enter. And I am too weak to continue. I will never have a mate. This is it. Just once, once more...let me breathe. I can't breathe. My lungs...hut, hut, I can't!'

…. *get up.*

*...You're dying…. get up!*

*Get Up!*

Water and sediment flowed out of her lips and nostrils as burning lungs dined for air. The force of the convulsions sent the girl up and onto her hands and knees. Her eyes, watered and strained, watched as her midday meal was carried away. Her vision went in and out of focus as the last remnants of her dream shook her body more than the cold of her water-drenched clothing. She shook her head to rid the scenes from her mind, but it hung behind her eyes. Something terrible was about to happen.

*And soon.*

The girl blinked and stared into the water. Her ears twitched. She had heard something.

*How long do you plan to stay kneeling in the spring?*

The girl stood slowly and stacked her body on to soft knees. Her eyes swiveled at the corner of her vision before she furtively circled in the same spot. She carefully stepped out of the stream and rolled her shoulders back. She could feel…something.

*Are you going to say anything?*

The girl pivoted, certain the voice was directly behind her head. Her arms came to a defensive pose, ready to block any shot to her face and upper torso. But even as she fearfully looked about, no one stood.

"I'm going crazy…"

*How long are you going to ignore me, Annelise...?*

A growl emanated in her ears and Annelise's backed up, using the tree behind her as a cover.

'They know my name.'

*Of course, I know your name.*

Annelise inhaled slowly, her eyes still searching. Her nose picked up no stray scents, but someone was there.

*I am here.*

"Where!" She shouted. She curled her fingers into fists. Her attempts to remain calm were failing as she felt a small fear take root in her mind. The Chief-Elect Easton had stern rules about her leaving the pack, particularly without permission. Here in the woods, she was five miles away from her house. She couldn't call out to anyone she could trust. And if Easton knew she had wandered off alone… again… there would be severe consequences.

Annelise sank down to her knees, slowly and silently. She inhaled deeply, willing away the shakes that resonated in her knees.

"Rule 1. The Pack comes first; Rule 2. The Chief's word is law; Rule 3. Every wolf's life matters; Rule 4. Never leave the Pack alone."

And here she was-deep with the woods, weak and alone