
The taste was far from sweet. Annelise tried to refrain from recoiling as the bitter liquid sludged its way down her throat. Her stomach lurched and her gagging tried to push the substance from her mouth, but after heavying she realized that the solution had no intention of being pushed out.

Dumbly the clay bowl slipped from her grasped and crashed onto the ground. She crouched low and fought the sensation that began to warm in her throat. The drink began to warm into a painful feeling. It burned like pins and she felt her skin begin to burn as well. She keeled forward on all fours and gritted her teeth. Her throat began to constrict both swallowing and forcing the substance up. This blocked off her windpipe and her head went fuzzy. She barely felt the forest floor before her. It was beginning to burn through her throat. Her mouth and lips, soon her stomach burned like a untamed torrent determined to finish her off. Annelise grunted and writhed as the substance began to flow into her esophagus. It was like it had its own mind, seeping into her whole body. Then her fingers and her toes. Her back and knees began to warm as well. The burning set her mind on fire. She couldn't think. All she could feel was pain.


Push what?? Annelise screamed into her head. The Voice was back again this time louder and more near. Annelise gripped her head and rolled on the ground. What was she supposed to push. She bit onto her tongue and lips in intervals. It hurt. She couldn't breath. And the Voice wanted her to push.

Help me.

*You want my help.*


*Of course I'm' helping you. Now push.*


*Just push.*

Annelise snarled and got back on to her fours. She didn't know where to push. So, she pushed everywhere. She tensed her muscle and stretched them, pressed her palms and toes into the earth as the pain filled her every being. Before long she was screaming, pushing out with all her might. And all at once the pain was gone.

It was dark. No, not dark. Dark meant that there was light to be seen. Here there was nothing. Annelise didn't even feel herself. There was nothing, she felt nothing.

*This is the beginning.*

Of what?

*Of us. You. Me. Us. We are one.*

Who are you?

*I am you.*

Annelise felt out in a way and realized that she wasn't alone.

Who are you?

Open your eyes.

Annelise felt about her body. She had never considered the way her body felt. After all her body wasn't a thing to be thought about. At least until now. But as her pushed her conscious outwards. Her body felt different. Almost as if she was in the body of something else. Her legs felt almost stranger and her head didn't feel as heavy as she could remember instead she felt unleashed. Annelise turned her head and practice flexing her finger. Or at least she tried. Her fingers didn't feel the way that they used to. She rolled her shoulder and they felt different too. Annelise tried to roll her hips but her tail just seemed to wag instead.


Annelise shook her head. And wiggled her nose. Her snout…and her eyes opened.

Where she was, wasn't dark after all, instead it was opalescent. like she was in a glowing place. Annelise's jaw dropped as she remember where she had been. This space was bright like the glowing…thing.


That was a tree?

Things are not always as they seem.

Annelise nodded and looked around she turn her head and saw a small figure far off. It seemed to be looking at her. Despite being alone her curiosity got the best of her and she began to start towards it. And the thing felt the same and came towards her. The closer Annelise got to the figure, the closer a sound reached her. It was steady and deep. Annelise thought it was their foot falls but as she drew closer the pattern was too familiar, like something she had heard since birth. Rhythmic and close to home.

Bumb bumb bumb bumb.

Annelise inhale sharply recognizing her own heartbeat. The figure stopped. Annelise lower her head as the figure seemed to mimic her actions. Annelise walked forward a few paces and the being before her mirror that.

Hello, Annelise.

Annelise continued forward. The being was full of fur. A dark red with tall pointy ears and dark furtive eyes. The brows were held up in confidence. The snout was straight head high in congruence with the crown of its head. A thick coat changed it a light russet color under the belly. Strong legs from fore to hind helped the being up. And a bushy calm tail swayed gently behind.

Annelise blinked and the wolf blinked back. Annelise step forward and tried to reach out her hand. Instead the being raised a paw meeting, Annelise's own paw. Her claws hit a small barrier and Annelise felt a jolt. It sprang through her system and it was like the light had brightening in the space.


*Me*…. there was a slight chuckle. *You.*

Annelise's heartbeat skipped and return to normal as the wolf before her broke into a sloppy grin. Her wolf. Annelise leaped into the air and yipped. Elation over took her and she began to jump around testing her, its, their agility. She raced through the space and feinted around. Sher growl and hissed. She met her wolf. She had a beautiful wolf.  Annelise couldn't help but feel joy. She felt the strength of her muscles. She wasn't weak or enfeeble. She had stamina to run for hours she could tell. She could race around the territory in a day if she wished….well, maybe two days.

*You are happy?*

Of course, I am happy. I'm sorry I didn't know it was you.

Annelise felt a feeling that she assumed was of comfort. Her wolf purred understandingly.

*I am... early.*

Annelise stopped and considered the information. Her wolf was early. Annelise had only reached her fourteenth summer she wasn't ready for a wolf yet. At least not for another half a year. And even then, wolves manifest during the night at a full moon. Annelise looked about and asked and obvious question, "So how do we get out of here?"

She smiled sheepishly, maybe she didn't have to ask that aloud. She and her wolf were of one mind. Mostly asking the question out loud wasn't even necessary. But she did anyway because she realized that she had no idea how to get back to the "real" world.

Yet, as soon as she had that thought. The world around her changed. It went dark. And she suddenly felt cold. And she felt small and weak. She felt around her conscious expecting her wolf to offer and explanation. But no answer came.

"Wait, don't leave me."

Please. Annelise cried out. She felt scared. Why she alone again? Where was she?




Yes! I'm here.

"Aww, my sweet Annelise is that you?" A calm, warm voice fill Annelise's ears. A familiar voice. But Annelise couldn't readily place it.

"Annelise, where's my sweet little Annelise?"

Annelise cried out again. Can't she hear me? It's dark. Come find me.

"There you are. Come to mama."


"My baby. My sweet, sweet girl."

Annelise felt her world change again. She still felt weak and small. But she could feel warmth, all around her. She inhaled and the scent that greeted her smell like home.

"My sweet, sweet, Annelise."

*Open your eyes. See what they stole from us.*

Annelise blinked and could see again. She was being held in the arms of what was a woman, given the bosom she was held to. The woman was humming softly and rocking Annelise back and forth. This couldn't be Myrtle. Myrtle didn't have this scent, nor these breasts. Annelise looked up and saw a pair of light green eyes. The eyes were oval and warm. They sat above a straight nose and full lips. The woman had warm coloring and dark loose curls that framed her face. "Were you scared, sweetie?"

The woman squeezed Annelise and pressed her lips to the top of her head. "Don't worry. Mama is here. Hm? Do you miss your Papa? He isn't far. Do you want me to go find him?"

Yes. But don't go Annelise held tightly to the woman's shirt. Her fingers were so small. Had she really been such a small child? Could this be real? Or was this just a dream?

"Let's go find him together. And we can give him a big hug,  so he doesn't try to run away, okay?" The woman sat Annelise down and stood up.

Their distance grew as an equally warm but deeper voice called out, "Is that my sweet girl?"




"Come here sweetheart. I have a surprise for you."

"Mom! Don't go."


"Don't go. Don't leave me, please!"