
"What? Snow Lotus?!" Zhifei asked aloud in shock. 

"Huh? You know her Zhifei?" The player Thousand Illusions asked.

"Yeah, she's Xuelian! But when did she become so good?"


A loud thump rang through the ears of the party. "Goddess Xue?! She plays?!"

Although Xuelian was hoping she Zhifei would get kicked out of the party, what she didn't know was that all of them attended the same university as her. 

"Yeah, I only introduced the game to her the other day, how did she become so good?"

"I feel like I heard the name Snow Lotus before though…"

"Wait, Snow Lotus and Lord Grim, aren't they the ones who…!"


"Are we there yet?" Ye Xiu felt as if he had been walking for ages.

"Here!" Xuelian pointed at the sign above. 

"Dragon Palace…" Not a bad name, Ye Xiu thought to himself.

"Table for two, please." Looking around, there still seemed to be quite a bit of people still hanging around.

Sitting down, a waiter poured the two of them Green Tea before passing them the menu. 

"All the food here are really good, pick a few dishes you like!" 

Ye Xiu glanced at the menu before looking back up at Xuelian. "You sure you have the money? These dishes are quite expensive! I didn't bring any money, so don't expect me to pay…"

Throwing a disdainful glance at Ye Xiu, Xuelian sipped on her tea. "Who do you take me for? I dare to bring you, I dare to treat you!"

Hearing the confidence in her words, Ye Xiu began picking a few dishes.

"Are you gonna get anything?" Xuelian looked at the menu before ordering her favorite Seafood Pan Fried noodles. "Not bad, you have good taste!" 

Nodding her head, Xuelian asked for the waiter as they gave them the list of dishes they wanted.

As they didn't know what to talk about, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, even for the two of them.

"So… how'd you get into Glory?" Xuelian asked the question casually, sipping on tea once more.

"Mmm… I used to play games other than Glory, but my friend hooked me into it when it first came out. You?"

"Mmm, probably because it's the only thing I'm good at? It was super easy making money by playing Glory." 

"Oh? But you must've enjoyed the game, no?" Ye Xiu wasn't satisfied with her response.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be at the level where I'm at. Talent can only bring you so far, you know." 

"So? Why didn't you go pro? You're definitely at that caliber."

Swirling her teacup, Xuelian thought about what she was gonna say. "What about you? Why didn't you go pro?"

Evading the question, Xuelian asked the question back as she knew that Ye Xiu was on her level, if not better.

"I did go pro! I just retired!" Although Ye Xiu had said it quite casually, Xuelian could feel the sadness in his voice.

"So early? I refuse to acknowledge that you can't play for another few years."

"Hehe, that's what I initially thought of as well, but it looks like Glory has different plans for me."

"So? You're still playing, are you planning on going back?" 

"Haha, that's the plan!" Ye Xiu didn't hide it.

"How enviable." Xuelian didn't say anything more.

"But you haven't answered my question!" Ye Xiu refused to let Xuelian slide.

"Mmm… I guess you can say I was in a similar situation as yours." Xuelian looked out the window into the starry night.

"Oh? I'm really curious as to what your story is. Especially because I haven't seen you around before." 

Ye Xiu became a professional player since the start of the Glory Alliance, yet he had never seen her before.

Looking into the eyes of Ye Xiu, Xuelian strangely wanted to tell her story. Would he believe her? She had kept the truth in her for the past few years, and though she had wanted to forget about her past, it kept coming back to haunt her.

"Then, if I tell you my story, will you tell me yours?"


"Mmm, I guess compared to China who created it's alliance very early on, Korea had just created the first championship a few years back, and I was given the opportunity to play for a team."

"Needless to say, I took the offer, and although they didn't give me a lot of money, I was able to play the game I loved, so why not?

"But it was super hard, because we struggled a lot in the beginning, we didn't amass much wins and was placed 7th in the Summer Split."

"2nd to last, compared to the other teams which had top-tier equipment and million dollar gaming house, our future looked quite grim. I think there were times where my teammates cried and thought about giving up. After all, they had to eventually find a job, marry and settle down." 

"But we decided to give it one more shot in the Spring Split, and perhaps the thought of giving up our dreams and glory ignited something within us', but we won match after match."

"In the end, we placed 2nd, which meant we were able to participate in the playoffs. Going through quarter-finals, semi-finals was a rough journey, but we clinched through every time."

"Then finals came along, and we took it to game 5. Giving it our all and the encouragement from our team, we finally won! Proving everybody wrong, we finally made it to the top."


"It all came crashing down, we were framed and was accused of cheating, as the captain, I took the blame willingly."

"Well, you know what happens when a team cheats, so that's basically the end of it."

Ye Xiu didn't say anything as he ate his food silently.

"What, don't believe me? Haha." If Xuelian had heard the story, even she wouldn't have believed it.

"Not at all, it's just, your story is worse than mine, that's all." Ye Xiu finished his food as he wiped his mouth with a towel before speaking.

"On second thought, I don't want to hear your story." Xuelian spoke up before He Xiu could continue.

"Oh? Why not?" 

"Because you'll eventually tell me when you're ready."

"Haha, thank you." Ye Xiu didn't decline the offer.

"So? Are you gonna go back?"

Xuelian didn't spend any time thinking about her answer. "Haha, of course not. I don't care about the game anymore."

"I see. Done eating?" Ye Xiu asked.

"Yeah." Raising her hand to signal for the bill, Xuelian paid using her credit card as they both left the restaurant.

"Alright, I'm heading back to the dorm, see you around!" Waving her hand, Xuelian left as Ye Xiu walked in the other direction.

"I don't care, huh?" Ye Xiu mumbled aloud as he walked alongside the sidewalk, back to Happy Internet's cafe.

"F*CK! You still dare to come back?" Chen Guo screamed upon seeing Ye Xiu walk back.

"Hehe, boss, you're still up?"

"What boss? You're fired!" Chen Guo pointed towards the door, as if wanting him to leave.

"Boss, you shouldn't be so angry, haha…"

"Guoguo, Excellent Era is on!" Another worker came up to Chen Guo as she knew that the boss was a huge fan.

"I won't waste any more time with you, I'm not calculating the pay for you today!" Chen Guo rushed towards the front as she took a seat.

Ye Xiu thanked his co-worker as he knew she helped him get.out of the mess.


While walking back to her dorm, Xuelian saw a bunch of people crowd below a projector as she watched along with the .

"It is sad to say that as of a few days ago, Ye Qiu has officially signed his retirement contract and will no longer be playing in the future games."

"Ye Qiu? Could it be him?" Xuelian thought of the carefree boy who she just had dinner with.

Unwilling to listen anymore, Xuelian connected her airpods as she played music.