In an ancient hamlet in the Himachal Pradesh of Malan, India Anthony has found himself in the care of his grandfather. Although a month has past Anthony is still dealing with the fact that he has unwittingly caused the death of his mother.
Okay, let's rationalize this situation for about half a second if you don't mind.
"Okay, please continue," Kris said in the mind of Anthony.
I might have gone off of the deep end.
"At which point?" Kris responded making sure Anthony knew the face she imagined for herself had the most deadpan, how are you going to flip this situation around look.
I might have gone overboard in trying to learn magic in a month. I mean sure Death told me I was going to have to choose whether or not to become a hero or villain, and that magic will come with a cost, but hell I've already paid the piper.
Anthony stopped for a moment as he remembered his mother. Because of his eidetic memory, Anthony could recall every detail of her. He could still see her golden hair framing rosy cheeks, highlighted by pale silver eyes. Anthony could still smell her scent as the doctors moved him closer to her as she gave him his name. He could remember the register of her voice, not too high but had a husky warmth that reached to the core of his soul. Anthony could also not forget the pain in her eyes. The look of loss was that of a mother who would not have the opportunity to raise her children. Finally, Anthony could remember the pull from the universe, ushering him down a path of no return, forever closing the door on seeing this mother, because he knew this moment was fixed permanently in his timeline, in his soul. The wave of this event had passed him.
I mean Kris I felt the wave at the end when my mother left. If I can take hold of it, you know to control it, then I can make my own luck, and nothing like this will ever happen again. Isn't that what you said.
"Woah, don't just go there and try to use my words to rationalize your situation right now. Shit, I miss her too; she was my mother as well. Remember dumb ass I'm apart of you as well — just a better part." But Kris knew this was not the only reason Anthony wanted to and needed to learn magic at this moment. Anthony was a baby after all; a fact Kris would not soon let him forget.
Anthony knew Kris was right, albeit annoying and wondering why she had to go with this personality; it was rushing that got him into this mess in the first place. He wondered if he could change that.
"Hey, dumb ass I can read your thoughts."
"Oops, my b, I meant nothing by it, just thinking."
"I know, I'm glad you decided to do that for once in this life; can't say for certain about the other life. But, I'm sure you were still a dumb ass."
To Anthony being a baby sucked. It was worse than having your soul ripped from your dying body; it was worse than waiting nine months in a dark, comfortable prison. At least when you are dying, you could feel like you've reached nirvana, or when you are in the womb, you could feel an unprecedented, unparalleled safety. But, as a baby, you had none of that shit. As a baby, there is no control over the preservation of your life. A baby is dependent on an outside source for survival. If you think about it, the only reason babies survive in the first place is because of an irrational, evolutionary love from people who used to be babies. Babies have one trait that is common with most other things that humans tend to care about; babies are cute. Let's be real who would want to waste precious sleep, on a constant crying, poop factory.
"A lot has happened in this month. Who knew being a baby would be this hard," Anthony said to Kris with a sigh.
This thing, this unfortunate babyism, Anthony has found himself in has led to him being fucked over in more ways than one. The first being, you know how babies needed people to survive. Well, what if that irrationality that would cause parents to keep their children alive was gone? Shit would be real right, well shit is real for Anthony right now.
Anthony knew that his father did not have such love for him. He could tell by the difference in which his father treated him compared to his brother. His father would at least feed, change, play and talk to John, but Anthony received no such luxury. He knew he was doing this on purpose because, his father would do these things right in front of him. Anthony could not understand why. It wasn't like his father knew that his son was the reason for the death of his wife. So, to extradite himself from, this sticky, unpleasant, shit, I mean situation, Anthony decided to use magic to prolong his life.
Anthony practice by gathering the natural energy of the world, condensing it, to create a rejuvenation solution to bring the body back to its optimal state. He noticed that he could only do this three times a day; any more and his mind would be overtaxed, and he would pass out. He called this magic Synthesis. Even with this magic, he was still in a half-dead state. He reasoned the reason why he was half dead was that, babies need a lot of nourishment to stay alive and healthy. Anthony could not create any more magic to help supplement his Synthesis magic, because he could barely control this one. One time he put too much energy into his body, and he almost exploded. Another time he did not put enough power into the magic and nearly died of starvation until he could use Synthesis.
The problem with magic, Anthony found out, is that the same spell cost the same amount of mana even if it is done wrong or to excess. So, Anthony spent this month trying to make his Synthesis spell passive and think up a new way to alleviate his current situation.
However, this use of magic seemed to spur the anger of his father. Anthony could tell it was almost as if his father wanted him to die.
After his father realized that he could not kill him in the traditional, I need to kill a baby type of way; Tom decided to abandon Anthony to his grandfather and take John back to London. At least his grandfather would feed and change him, but that was all he did. After his grandfather finished doing the bare minimum, he would leave Anthony in a dark room, alone for hours at a time; sometimes even days.
Being left alone to his thoughts and Kris, Anthony found himself in his third situation. The way he processed the world should be different.
"Hey Kris," Anthony yelled in his mind.
"Um Hm, what is it, I was almost sleeping," she responded.
"Wait, you sleep."
"Yep, it's neat I found that out about two weeks ago."
"I wonder how that works."
"I thought about it actually...," she said with a sleepy voice, as she was about to go into detail about the process and benefits in deep subconscious sleep.
"Hey stop and nerd out later. But, have you thought about it; shouldn't I, you know, be like half the way to, you know, crazy town by now."
"What do you mean. I mean sure you have been neglected, mentally abused, and found your self back in a dark prison of some sort but I'm here, and I helped you from that situation last time, and that was no big deal."
"Good to know you think you're so important in my life."
"Well, I'm not saying I'm Star Wars or anything. You know that's the best part of your memories, any movies and video games that Death did not take away, and that you have seen and played, I can see and replay with perfect 20/20 clarity."
"No, it's the time. Why is everything moving faster or slower? Well, it depends on how you look at the situation."
"Get on with it. Sleep time. You. Take. Away.
"When we were in the womb those nine months felt like nineteen and a half years, because of how my mind works. You know twenty-six times faster an all."
"Your point," Kris said waking up more by each second.
"I've been alive for a month, but it has only felt like two, and that's beside the whole treatment and neglect. Shouldn't it feel more like; almost like two years."
Anthony had Kris's full attention now.
"I think you were right I am becoming dumber the more my soul connects to this body. I can no longer feel my full connection to the collective."