Scripted in Blood pt 6

Draig had been completing his Daily missions religiously but his rate of progress was slowing quickly and the System rewards for his Daily missions hadn't been as he had expected but it did give him some benefits. An example being the plus two levels to his Enchanting skill which had sped up his enchanting by a noticeable margin, he had also gained an accessory slot.

Draig was still looking for information on other classes that had accessory slots or had received one, unfortunately he had yet to find any leads. He had at first attempted simple logic and attempted to put a simple ring in it however it didn't take. Soon enough he had tried every form of accessory he could think of, if he could he would even set aside his pride to ask Zarra but one could never predict when he would appear.

Draig sighed and spent his Stat points on his Mana stat boosting his capacity to two hundred fifty, he now had the ability to use some of the spells he had learned. However only few of those spells that he had gained access to were offensive in nature, gritting his teeth Draig thought hard on what his options were.

No progress in summoning his tome so far, inability to boost his physical stats through his system, battle experience lacking. Any way Draig looked at it he was doomed for possible death, as the young Feratu stood up in a foul mood he happened to see the Knights rushing in with Warren leading the charge.

The pace of the old Knight was something inspiring to watch as they came closer, Draig's mind was distracted for a moment thinking of how formidable the group looked when they charged forward.

"Sir Enchanter, I believe we have found what your looking for" stated Warren with a look of pride, the obvious battle marks on his armor seeming fresh.

"Sir Warren, I wonder what could make you this worked up" asked Draig in interest as he looked to the box the soldiers brought in.

With a wave of his hand, Warren had the men open the box revealing a ghostly green metal and accompanying it two other materials. One of these happened to be the fang of a dragon which left Draig with an understanding as he looked towards the old Knight.

The third material he wasn't quite sure what it was, it seemed like a old ore that had been forgotten. Draig turned and looked to Warren for an explanation on the two unknown materials.

"This green metal you see is what is left behind after a Ghost nest dies. It assists with spacial magic like those used by summoners, besides this the ore is known to react differently to smelting developing odd abilities of their own." explained Warren patiently, he could wait only because he was about to accomplish his goal of passing on his skill.

"What do you mean develop an ability" asked Draig uncertainly

"I mean just as I said, there have been many reported cases of Spectral steel developing odd abilities after crafting. One example was a warrior who was fortunate enough to have a hammer crafted, his steel had reacted to the smelting by gaining the ability to enlarge its mass on command" explained Warren.

Draig nodded in understanding but waited for the next explanation.

"This older looking ore is actually freshly formed despite it's appearance, this something that we have come to call Ancient silver. Do not be confused as this metal does not carry the holy property of silver but rather it assists you" explained Warren

"What do you mean it assists me" asked Draig skeptically.

"It's not something that can be explained" stated Warren with a helpless look.

"I see, can I ask you to assist me with one more thing" asked Draig calmly as he looked at the materials.

"How may I assist you" asked Warren

"Can you take these to be crafted into a tomes cover, at the moment I am not very well received among the populace" explained Draig

Warren nodded in understanding and had his men lift the box before the Knights retreated to complete the final task Draig had for them.

Draig nodded when they left, he slowly began pondering what his next move should be but was distracted about the potential of the Bloodscript. It was essentially enchanting one's self, and like that Draig widened his eyes before feeling that he was truly to foolish.

Soon a series of laughs could be heard as the Farmhouse was lit up repeatedly from Draig doing who knows what.

While the young Feratu acted on his revelation Dracule had just finished his pet project, planting a scythe into the dirt he looked over the field in front of him. He had long since laid his hands on the seeds that Draig had removed from his own pumpkin and started planting them and now the sight before him was a field of pumpkins.

'This should help that brat out just a bit' thought Dracule as he pulled a carving knife from his pocket.