Battle and a Wager pt 4 (Gold Emblem)

Draig breathed lightly as he saw the group coming out, they were clearly far more powerful than the Silver Emblems, just the pressure of their Mana made Draig feel weak but he still didn't show it except for the small tensing of his hand as if he wished to pull something out.

"This is it" asked one of the Guilders with a cold look.

"I am embarrassed to be associated with such trash" huffed another Guilder though older in appearance.

Draig said nothing as he began thinking of something he could do but before he could finish that thought he found his troops by his side blown away violently to the point their armor was crinkled horribly.

"I found the leech" laughed a woman that Draig recognized, it was none other than Sylvie's sister.

Draig turned to look for Kira and found the old Werewolf getting back up and removing his helmet allowing for some of his more beastly features to be revealed.

Draig felt a pulsing sensation again but ignored it in favor of the obstacle in front of him, taking a deep breath through his nose Draig focused himself. After that breath it seemed as if everything had gone silent until Draig's image seemed to fade like a mirage and several of the weaker Gold Guilders cried out in surprise as Draig deposited more blood into the book.

However this time the Tome itself changed revealing that Draig had managed to evolve it again, the pages that had already been filled began to rewrite themselves adding more skills and now there was the addition of classes. This meant if Draig could get it to evolve again then he could steal blood abilities from other races.

Draig didn't have enough time to admire his achievement before he was struck multiple times, growling as he flew through the air Draig flipped himself before landing against the flat of a tree with his feet and propelled himself back into the fray taking as many as he could while attempting to draw blood. The battle before the crowd was truly something worth watching as they watched the might of their heroes clash against their known pest.

Kira was displaying his prowess with a rejuvenated leg as his shield bash would send multiple Guilders flying however it was a known fact that the Class system was a way for humans to balance themselves with monsters. This truth was making itself clear as the Guilders began to return pressure managing to dent Kira's shield and chip his sword with their strikes.

While the forces of Draig continued attempting to resist the Guilders attacks Dracule was smiling broadly as he finished chanting.

'To give up the rest of my life force for the termination of this infernal system is truly a good way to die' thought the old pumpkin as the Crimson characters began impacting the Class System.

'Malfunction, outside force detected. Analyzing origins, dark origins. Spell unknown, attempting to purge dark energy. Reporting failure, Class system undergoing fundamental change. Successful, removing restrictions of Class System' announced the Class System causing the message to resound through out the city even echoing in the coliseum causing the Guild Leaders and Zarra to go into a panic as they rushed to the machine.

Meanwhile Dracule was staring at the Class system with a sense of failure as he did not manage to destroy the class system but what he didn't know he would be recognized as the patron of all non human races.

Zarra walked in on the scene of Dracule's flame going out and was intending to inspect the Class System but it suddenly shot a beam into the sky that began cast odd symbols out encircling the world as a whole even those mountain tops that pierced the heavens were enclosed by these symbols forcing many powerful figures to become curious.

After the symbols had connected a flash the encompassed the world occurred and the Class system Machine was no longer physical thing instead becoming a law of the world.

'Class System has successfully removed all restrictions, no longer allowing outside interference now running on auto. Restrictions removed, all races capable of receiving systems now' echoed the announcement all over the world as humanity came to a halt in that moment.

Even the other races who had been oppressed by humans were silent taking a moment to understand what had just been said. However that only lasted a moment before panic struck through the human city's and celebrations held among the Monster races.

Draig had heard it as well and knew that something bad was going to happen soon, acting quickly his enchanted Knife came into play having an added enchantment as it swished through the air silently and quickly collecting the blood drops that he craved. The cuts got the Guilder's attention causing them to take a stance.

Draig was clearly wore out so if he continued trying to fight these Guilders he might end up killed, especially after what had just happened but as the moment seemed to be growing bleak for Draig a giant haze of purple came from behind as the Dread Knights began to stand and their forms growing larger while some became more agile and sleek.

The pressure they now released was similar to that of a beast as they tore their mangled pieces of armor from their bodies and resumed their position to fight.

Limit Breaker, perhaps the greatest ability to ever be received by mankind showed its grandeur again as those troops only took a moment to regain their formation before charging these Guilders.

Draig released the breath he had been holding before allowing his enchanted knife to begin spitting the blood it had released onto the Tome's empty pages. Soon classes began appearing along with a whole list of Skills and abilities that the class should possess, it was a marvelous sight to Draig as he raised his gaze to watch these Dread Knight's fight a losing battle against these Guilders but Draig felt it was quite valiant but he didn't wish to stay in this place any longer.

"Kira let us leave while the time is right" stated Draig as he dashed out of the coliseum with the Werewolf hot on his heels.

"What's going on, did you have anything to do with that beam of light" demanded Kira as they ran.

"I'm not sure but I am certain that I will be targeted with the blame. We must leave immediately and gather supplies" stated Draig as he flipped through the Tome finding a Familiar summoning ability that he formed a Blood gem for before consuming it.

"Summon" spoke Draig breathlessly as he came to a stop for but a moment seeing what kind of familiar he would have.

Several imps rose from the ground as if they had always been there awaiting his call, with no time to be disappointed over the result Draig commanded them to gather something he would need in the form of pills and other such things.

Soon Draig made it to a rundown building, he had come here instead of the Farm because no one would know about this place. It was where he had lived before discovering the farm that day he received his class.

'Stats' thought Draig intending to check his menu but found nothing happened.

"Damnit" growled Draig as he found his menu to be inactive.

Cursing Draig tried to grab his pen and it magically appeared in his hands causing greater confusion, he began to ponder what was happening but remained silent for some time. He heard the shouts and stomps of people through the streets perhaps in search of him. However he wouldn't willingly reveal himself.

It was hours later when those imps came to him however there hands were empty and he saw not type of luggage on them causing him to become disappointed in the little things. However before he could curse again they opened their mouths and revealed that their insides worked similar to a Bottomless bag.

"Excellent, store those inside for now" ordered Draig as he found enough in him to smirk.

He watched the imps once again swallow those things he had requested before banishing them.

'Now I wait for the perfect moment' thought Draig as he closed his eyes listening for any disturbances.