Results of Treason

Those brave souls who had become the original Dread Knights were not spared, taken into custody and locked in a Dungeon awaiting execution. Something to be noted was there lack of rings, Draig had disenchanted his Master ring causing the enchantment on the rest to become null.

This had not cheered up these men who had become a worthy force to be reckoned with instead filling them with hatred and anger at being discarded and used as a mere distraction. They felt betrayed as their act of loyalty towards their benefactor was used as a simple ploy, after hearing of his escape they felt their hatred develop to new heights.

Knocking out all of the Guilders and smashing the wall of the city, was there not time to rescue them during this wild escape?

Infuriated many of them cursed him and his name to darkest depths of hell, swearing to do anything to gain a chance for retribution for this humiliation.

Then it happened suddenly, that large youth from before opened his eyes suddenly. Those Chains locked around his hands and feet that should have suppressed his strength gained from Limit Breaker seemed to lose that luster before becoming scrap metal in his hands surprising his fellows at the sudden happening.

"Free us too brother" whispered one of the other Dread Knights.

"Naturally I won't forget my fellows, I am not like that filthy Vampire. I am one of you" stated the youth as he repeated his technique on the other's restraints.

Soon all of these men and youths felt their strength return to them but all of them looked towards that one sturdy youth for guidance and perhaps an explanation.

"I am chosen, the Class System has gifted me a new class that has never been seen before" smiled the youth as he recalled his momentary encounter just a moment before.

"Kraus, is what you say true" asked one of the younger youths with awe.

Many of the other men felt this way as well, while it was true they had the Limit Breaker it was still a bit insufficient compared to the versatility of the Guilder's skills and abilities. However to have Limit Breaker and a Guilder's abilities, that was truly something to be envious of.

"It is indeed the truth, I actually feel it is quite fitting. My Class, that is. To become the first Dark Knight in History is truly something and it is at the same time the fatal counter to any Mana using Class with my active skill." laughed Kraus

The other Dread Knights were truly awed by the confirmation of this not being a dream, they all looked at Kraus with hope in their eyes.

"Then it is only fitting that in the absence of a clear leader you assume the role. Given that with the growth potential of not only Limit Breaker but also a Guilder, you will be our pillar. With this said I ask you for guidance" spoke one of the older men who had been given a new lease on life with the strengthening of his body and inner energy.

Kraus looked at the other's and felt a sense of pride fill him, it was obvious to him now that it was only natural he assume the lead position.

Who else could compare with him who had both Limit Breaker and a Class, Kraus felt even more pride. It was clear to him that he was favored by the gods and that this bout of bad luck had actually been fortune in disguise.

The other Dread Knights saw no trace of this as Kraus took on a confident air.

"Simple when they come for us we will ambush them and take their weapons and two of us will disguise as the guards escorting us. At this point instead of leading us all the way to the execution platform we will instead take back our weapons" planned Kraus, with no one saying anything in opposition Kraus felt his ego boost a bit more.

'A natural born leader, imagine if more people could benefit from such leadership' thought Kraus as they all resumed their positions from before and waited for the guards to come.

It was around mid noon when they heard the keys enter the lock before that door swung open allowing three guards entry.

It happened without a warning as they all stood and mobbed these men wresting their weapons from them before beating them senseless. Quickly three of them assumed the armor of the guards leaving their owners in the cell.

Kraus took the lead as he had donned one of the armors since their had been one more than he had expected, he wasted no time retracing their steps to the entrance. The trip was made rather easily but they soon found the reason when they saw all of the Knight's Orders had assembled to watch the escort.

Kraus cursed as this was also unexpected as they were the only Knight's he believed were capable of being of assistance. Thinking quickly he decided it was best to improvise and fight their way out, after all he was chosen.

Taking up his sword he swung cleaving two Knights at the waist and tossed their weapons to his comrade before continuing his surprise attack.

The other Dread Knights upon seeing Kraus's actions reacted quickly due to their time in the Beast Lands, two men grabbed the thrown swords and began striking out as well displaying the difference in abilities between a true normal person and one that possessed the Limit Breaker as those regular Knights were almost insignificant in comparison even allowing for some of the Dread Knights the time to done the fallen enemies armor.

Kraus nodded as he saw his men were almost all geared up allowing for him to remove a part of his plan for the moment, dashing forward and shoulder checking a feeble looking Knight Kraus managed to open a pathway and called for his people.

"This way, follow me and make an unbreakable spear that will pierce through all resistance" Called Kraus heroically causing these other Dread Knights to be inspired and follow his lead and indeed the formed an unbreakable spear but this is only because the one who had contributed in the forging of this spear had not been present at the scene.

Warren and his people were busy training ruthlessly, by his side the old Knight had a pile of Blood Gems that he had managed to stockpile.

'I will not allow you to disgrace what I have dedicated my life to, I will guarantee your slaughter just like the rest of your filth' thought Warren as a madness pervaded his eyes.

Warren's granddaughter watched from a distance with a sad look as she watched her last bit of family slowly lose himself to hatred, with a silent tear fall she turned her back and left. Warren would never notice until it was too late and this would only help to fuel his fall into insanity.

The old man continued to watch these orphans he had taken in after the disaster ruthlessly beat one another in the basic forms of his Order's swordsmanship. Each time one would fall to the ground seemingly lifeless they would burst back to life veiled in a purple haze.

One child in particular displayed great advancements from the benefits of Limit Breaker, he had blonde hair and blue eyes looking like a young hero from a fairy tale.

Warren watched this boy in particular as he had placed high expectations on this child, the child himself showed none of the signs of being a hero other than his looks.

His blue eyes were cold and deadly, his demeanor one of a beast. Warren smiled as he called the training to an end for the day and called the boy over.

"You have made me proud young one." started Warren

"Thank you, Master Knight" stated the boy without emotion.

"If I am not mistaken your name is Marcus, correct?" asked Warren as he lead Marcus to a vault.

"That is what my parents called me" answered Marcus blankly

Warren continued as if there was nothing wrong.

"Good, well Marcus it is clear to my eyes that you will be the leader of the next generation. It is for that reason I have decided to name you as such ahead of schedule" explained Warren as the Vault unlocked and revealed an Armory filled with glowing Silver weapons resting in pools of water.

One sword in particular stood out from the rest, it seemed fresher than the others as if it hadn't been there as long. It was broader than the normal one handed sword and didn't really have a point to it instead looking something like a two foot cleaver.

Its blade built oddly thin as compared to the norm for swords and it's handle was embedded with several odd looking Gems.

"I know it may look odd compared to the traditional sword but this form came about by its own effect upon adding those Blood Gems to the cooling Silver. I had this sword specially forged for the one I would choose to pass down my legacy, so it is only fitting as the one I have chosen that you take ownership of this blade." commanded Warren forcing the odd sword into Marcus's hands.

The boy said nothing other than a small thank you while gazing at the sword starting to like the feeling of it in his hands.

"Let it soak in these blessed water for a bit longer so it may yet become Holy silver" suggested Warren taking the Blade back and resting it in a brighter pool of water.

While Warren was dealing with his troubled youth's Kraus and his people had managed to escape successfully, wasting no time they ditched the ruined city intent to make it on their own and build their strength until they could achieve revenge against their betrayer.