The New World

It had been a week since Draig had encountered the Goblin swordsman, steadily his journey had taken him deeper into the Beast lands. It was here the true terrors of the Monster races dwelt, whether it be from the overall might or simply the fact they were of equal intelligence they chose to put vast distances between their settlements and the human's. Few had ever seen these settlements and even less had lived to speak of these mythical cities.

However there was another reason why Draig chose to start with the Beast lands, no one had truly explored the mysteries of this massive expanse of land. There were no maps of the area and no telling what secrets remained undiscovered inside, during his steady delving into the Beast lands he had encountered many interesting plants and animals some he had never thought to see in person and some he had never heard of.

Religiously he scribbled what his Appraisal would reveal to him, which had been rather impressive. Draig would consider Appraisal a mandatory skill for combat, it was too overpowered when used in that aspect. Revealing weaknesses and other hidden information. However Draig had rarely found the need to use it as such, he had not seen any of the more intelligent monsters since that Sword Goblin.

It was odd but it allowed for Draig to find time to train himself a bit in between his scribbling, using his Eye techniques given by his Vampire blood. He had found that with a certain proficiency he could grasp the other abilities. While he had only unlocked the additional ability of Bewitching Gaze it still showed there was a way for him to continue his practice, Draig felt he could still go further.

Through this quietness and lack of stressful activity Draig had found another of the changes in the world, his Mana pool was gradually being nourished however with an experimental grab as if he was using his Mana Molding he felt the Mana in the area start to flow into his reserves like a faucet. The young Feratu nearly burned from the inside out if he hadn't cut the connection when he had been startled.

Since then Draig has not attempted to do so again, he still felt an ache when he urged his Mana. However this was a sign of another way for him to grow stronger and had thus made him more interested in the aspects of Runes, in other words the individual powers behind the words Draig used. It was like this that Draig had filled another journal.

Two months had eventually passed with Draig merely sketching and Appraising while his crimson eyes seemed to gain more of a luster by the day with his practice. Eventually he ended up with a sight that those senile Guilders had spoken of.

It was a marvelous city born from the very plant life of the surroundings, formed into brilliant buildings that towered high into the air forming with the trees. It was an incredible sight for the young Feratu who had not experienced much in the ways of the world's grandeur.

Immediately Draig's hand seemed to blur as he scribbled in his notebook replicating the image into the pages.

As he analyzed his work Draig suddenly dodged avoiding an arrow that had been shot from high up in the trees.

'Dare to attack me mongrel' sneered Draig mentally as he raised his hand intending to strike with lightning but was instead surprised again when a voice echoed out.

"Hold your fire" came the obviously female voice.

"I demand an explanation for this provocation" stated Draig scanning his eyes through the trees.

"You are trespassing in Elfish territory and bare the energy of a Dark creature" answered the woman.

"Last I checked Elf's are considered Monsters as well, there is no good and bad as long your not human your a monster or a beast. So do we really need to base intentions based on one's natural baring" called Draig however there was a certain mystique about his voice as he spoke.

A few minutes passed and finally the woman spoke.

"Your words hold truth however why would you be so far from the Nether Continent if it wasn't for malicious means" answered the woman though you could hear some doubt in her voice.

"I am sure you felt the world change and heard of the things occurring in the world, I simply wish to map out this new world and see the changes with my own eyes" explained Draig leaving out his origins.

"Prove it" demanded the woman as she and her fellows revealed themselves, it was a twist for Draig to find all of these warriors were women.

Draig didn't waste time and showed to them his notebooks which had surprised them as they had saw a creature or two inside they hadn't seen before and even the details had been something of an eye opener for them. Returning the journals before sizing up Draig once again.

"It seems you are telling the truth, those notebooks. Are they your personal creations" asked the woman in the lead.

"Yes" answered Draig simply

"Then you have seen many things along your travels, by chance does sir know about the classes of humans" asked the woman holding her hand at a signaling position.

"I am very Knowledgeable about the classes of humans" chuckled Draig

"Then I must ask for you to come with us immediately" stated the woman as she motioned for the other women with her to take Draig into custody.

Concealing the ridicule he felt at the actions being taken Draig pretended to be an average traveler from this supposed Nether continent and allowed the group of women to take him to their city.

Once again Draig found himself awed by the magnificence of these people's architecture and society, his eyes wide open Draig was Appraising all that he saw while scribbling however his eyes suddenly stopped on something and punched through his journal.

A shining wooden figure that seemed to be growing inside a tree had caught his interest not because of it's beauty but because the figure inside seemed to be alive.

Draig continued his scribbling soon after and made note to send the mosquitoes to scour the area and inspect the wooden figure.

"Come let us go and speak with my mother" answered the woman in the lead who had now removed her leaf stylized helmet revealing her elegant face.

'A princess huh' thought Draig as he felt gears start turning in his head.

Scribbling as he looked at her and allowed color to rise to his cheeks as he captured her image perfectly though with some additions making the woman appear saintly.

Draig had also began to notice that the guards and warriors around the palace were all female as well, this was an odd sight for Draig as he had never seen such a female dominant society.

"Where are the men" asked Draig as he looked around making sure to leave his new sketch in view for his target.

"It's none of your business" stated the princess before looking into the book that had accidentally sagged enough for her to see it's contents and felt a heat come to her cheeks before looking at Draig who had coincidentally been still staring at her.

A glimmer passed over the two's eyes and the princess seemed to want to keep stealing glances at the young Feratu causing him to smirk.

'Alright now that the seed is planted let's see how far we can go' thought Draig as he was taken into a large ornamented room perfectly in tune with nature.

"Mother we have found this traveler and he claims to know of the Classes of Humans" reported the princess as she stole another glance at Draig which didn't go unnoticed by the Queen.

"Very well then bring in the Blessed" ordered the Queen

'Seems I'll be getting right to work' thought Draig as he watched the Queen.