Times in the Elfish Kingdom pt 2

Draig settled in the city of Elves rather quickly, during this time he had produced a Blood gem giving him some minor healing skills. Though this did introduce a new issue that he had never known previously, healing spells did not work the same on all beings.

The moment Draig had tried to use a simple healing spell he felt his blood boil and his skin begin festering, it was a ode to the fact that light magic was in fact the counter to all dark Beings. Draig hissed as he took a pill and watched his skin begin to resume it's natural form.

"Draig, Mother wishes to see you" reported the princess as she knocked on the door.

"I will be along shortly" answered Draig

Draig was sure that this was about to be another false call, over this week he had come to terms with the possibility that the Elves simply didn't have potential for a large variety of classes.

Most that he had seen and Appraised carried one of the following classes, Naturemancer, Leaf Bladesman, Druid, Summoner.

It really had disappointed him but he had found a small solace in the fact he had been allowed into their libraries, though this was mostly due to the Queen knowing that the important tomes in the library were written in ancient Elfish language. However she had never met someone like Draig, usually the ancient languages of races would only be remembered by their descendants but the founder was quite fluent in all those old languages.

Draig still abusing the information he had gained from Dracule's rushed training had begun to read and copy down the contents of those ancient manuals of the Elfish arts. The Queen had people to keep watch over Draig and when told of what he was doing she simply laughed and waved it off allowing the young Feratu to do as he pleased.

Draig shook his head returning to the present as he opened the door and followed the Princess to his new office, he was granted the Title of Royal Inspector and was in charge of training and assigning any Elves that developed a class while also recording them into his logs.

Draig cast his eyes all around him taking in the sights, seeing the women going about their daily routine he shook his head.

He had made a shocking discovery not long after arriving among the Elves, this particular Elf tribe was all women. Not one man was in the city which begged the question of how they reproduced, an awkward question that Draig had no shame in asking. The answer he received however left him staring dumbly.

It was indeed that tree playing a part in it, it seemed that once a year they would hold a festival when the tree started to release it's sap into the water around it. The Elves here would then strip themselves and soak in the waters while celebrating fertility, they thought it was a blessing from some sort of god but Draig could see the cause clearly with his eyes.

"Draig" called the Princess

"Yes Willow" answered Draig looking at the young Elf ruler.

"We are here" answered Willow

Draig realized his surroundings and nodded before stepping into the throne room only to find a horrifying sight. A large Golem or Giant made out of trees was standing there raging barely being held by restraints.

Draig immediately cast Appraisal and was shocked to find that this thing was actually and Elf using their class.

'Forest Guardian, I think this qualifies as a legendary class easily' thought Draig as he decided to involve himself.

Outward he looked dashing, the attention of all the Guards and the rest of the room's occupants had been on him. They watched as he sized up the situation for but a second before casting his coat to the side with a flare.

Draig had found his physique had been seeing some improvements lately, he hoped it was signs of a tremendous breakthrough but those thoughts soon floated to the back of his mind as he kicked the Guardian in the side of its knee brutally causing the creature to cry out in pain. He didn't stop as he grabbed some of the Fauna that was clinging tightly to the beast and pulled it into the floor albeit barely.

That seemed to be enough as the Guardian began to shrink down and revealed itself to be an elf just like the rest. Draig walked while everyone was silent and had his Mosquitoes collect a sample, looking around after finishing his deed and had intended to leave but the Queen stopped him.

"Mr. Inspector I love how you handled the situation however that is only part of the reason I have asked you here" started the Queen.

"What do you mean" asked Draig as he felt a stone start weighing on his heart.

"She is clearly in possession of the strongest class that has appeared among my people, it is with this knowledge that I ask that you take her in as a student and teach her how to control her gift." finished the Queen motioning for the Guards to escort the girl to Draig's abode.

Knowing he couldn't truly argue Draig nodded and left while staring at the what he assumed would be his new student, she was mildly attractive in a feral type of way. Proofs of her class could be seen on her body as her hair was more akin to vines and her skin had a green tint to it and you could faintly smell the very essence of nature if you were down wind of her.

Draig felt a calming sensation come over him however he quickly snapped out of it and realized there were little particles wafting off the girls hair.

'Spores as a natural defense mechanism' thought Draig

Draig just chuckled as he followed the Guards.