Nation's Established, Warrant for the Bloody Enchanter pt5

"Dad!" cried a girl with predator like features resembling a wolf, those being the ears that were hidden in her brown hair.

"Kira!" cried an older version of the girl who dropped the pan she was washing in order to hug the old Wolf.

"Hey Honey" laughed Kira before he was swiftly lashed by the woman he loved.

"You have been gone for the past decade and all you can say after returning is 'Hey Honey', then you actually have guts to laugh it off. Kira you mangy mutt, I ought to hate you but damn it. I missed you so much" cried the woman ending the lecture with a hug

"Dad we were told you had died" interrupted the girl.

"That is not the case sweetie, I had received a crippling injury. I felt ashamed of what it would mean for me to return and lose my status as an Alpha." answered Kira looking down.

"Then what about now, is it healed" asked Kira's wife.

"I met an amazing person, he gave me the way to heal my leg in an instant. I served under him for only a short time but I await the day when he calls me back to his side." stated Kira with respect in voice causing a group of Werewolves who had been listening to mock the old Wolf.

"Aww look at that, Kira went and got himself a Master" laughed one before his friend continued.

"Does the doggy miss his Master" laughed the second

Kira stayed silent but his silence was broken after the third spoke.

"Pathetic, allowing yourself to become subservient to some lesser creature. What a disgrace, only a beta like you would permit something like that." spat the final Wolf until he found the form of Kira transforming to his beast form.

"Come here and say it to my face then you mongrel, let me show the gift my Master has given me. Perhaps you are a mere pup that merely barks with no bite" shot Kira a snarl planted on his face.

The third wasted no time and hit Kira with all his might sending the old Wolf off his feet and crashing into a nearby wall.

"Looks like your the one that's all bark" howled the offending Werewolves leader.

However he was silenced when Kira stepped out of the wall glowing purple, the scene alerting them to something was off about the old Wolf. Their instincts began to rumble as it pleaded with them to bow or run.

"What is that Kira" demanded the Leader as he took a step back causing the surrounding crowd to gasp.

"It's the gift I received from my Master" growled Kira before his claws carved through the leaders chest leaving a spray of Blood from slashing the arteries.

Kira wasn't finished as he bit into his opponents throat ripping a chunk of the flesh from it's origin, he wasn't slow as he spun off the body of his first victim and landed a devastating kick that crunched the other's rib cage causing him to vomit a maelstrom of blood and shredded organs.

The final pest was the one who had spoke first.

"Do I seem like a pet to you now pup" asked Kira as he placed his foot onto the Wolf's chest and grabbed his arms before pulling slowly causing ripping and cracking sounds to be heard until two streams rose into the air.

Kira looked around snarling at all who had bore witness to his acts, on the side his wife looked at Kira hungrily while his Daughter wondered how strong her father's Master was causing a similar feeling to her Mother.

"Daaad, tell me more about your master" asked Kira's daughter as her face glowed at the thought of such a person.

"He is powerful far beyond his years, I have never seen such growth even with the gift he has given me. His mind is one of conquest, he doesn't like mortals. His greed for Blood knows no bounds, his arsenal of attacks are seemingly endless." thought Kira as he couldn't help but admire those who were truly gifted.

"What does he look like" asked the girl.

"Kasa, why is that important" asked Kira as he began to look at his daughter suspiciously.

"A Heroic warrior should look the part" answered Kasa as if it was obvious causing the Old Wolf to lessen his suspicion.

"I suppose he could be considered attractive by female standards" considered Kira as he began walking to his old home to have a meal with his family for the first time in a decade.

Elsewhere in the far east a gate with heavy golden chains could be seen, upon it a ruff language could be seen however the environment around it was opposite containing a holy feel to it. In fact the very pool of water it rested in was of the Holy attribute.

This door's chain rattled as a soft thud could be heard from the other side of the door causing the water to hiss.

Unfortunately those who would know about this door had long since passed in the era before, the mystery would go unsolved as the chains continued to hold firmly.