The Bloody Enchanter Returns

Traveling through the Beast Lands became a simple task after Draig had beaten two six legged Rhinos into submission, they didn't dare to disobey what the Vampire commanded as they called out pitifully. The lumps and bruises along their bodies a testament to their will to live as Draig used his claw to carve at one of their horns in his hands, it seemed to be taking to form of a short sword.

"Halt" stated Draig causing the poor beast to skid to a stop in fear of it's other horn being taken.

"What is it" asked Winter warily as she had come to know of the Feratu's senses over these past few days.

"Elves" stated Draig loud enough to be heard in the surroundings.

"Indeed he is the one worthy enough to be called teacher by the Forest Guardian" came to melodic response as a group of women sporting pointed ears revealed themselves.

"If you know of my student then you must realize I am not one to be trifled with" stated Draig cruelly.