Skyfall: Draig's army

Draig chuckled as he inspected the pumpkins, it was a shame that they didn't carry blood within them or else he would have some interesting additions to his tome.

"Come Dracule" stated Draig as he began walking back to the Townships people.

Zarra and the rest of the Devils watched as the Laterns followed suit and lined up with the Township's people. Many questions rang through the Mage's head, all of them revolving around that name of Feratu.

He recalled a book that Eliza had loved to read when she was still alive, it had made a brief mention of a man called Feratu and his terrifying might and now he had heard it again in reference to his son. It was something he wished to ask about but he wasn't sure how he would propose his questions to Draig, the Vampire wasn't very forthcoming and he knew that even with the changes. Unless he could get him riled up enough to slip some information there wouldn't really be a point in asking.