Skyfall: Collection

Draig continued his search while the System was down, this was a golden opportunity to collect as even though the system was down he was certain that these people still held their classes and thus in their powerless state they had become ripe for the picking.

'I need to hurry' thought Draig as he still hadn't found anyone, he was unsure of whether his people copies had found anyone yet either but he had high hopes.

It was unfortunate though as Draig would soon find himself met with a terrible foe.

"He he he, I smell the blood of the false prophet" came the deep demonic voice causing Draig's hair to stand on end, he hadn't sensed this being.

"You have been terrorizing my children in this forest and leaving them as dried out corpses, you must have known this would provoke me Feratu. Now I am here, will you leave me in the same state. It is my blood you are seeking isn't it" chuckled the Demon as it revealed itself.