The Imperial Family

"Draig? That is quite a strange name" snorted one of the older men causing Draig to narrow his eyes and decide to abuse his child like form for extra humiliation.

"About as strange as your face it would seem" retorted Draig causing the Emperor to laugh along with a few others.

"Watch it Akio, Draig has a way with words" chuckled the Emperor seeing a bit of childishness from Draig.

"Oh dear brother the honesty of a child is a beautiful thing" chuckled a younger more feminine looking man.

"Shut it Hideki" growled Akio, his larger frame making for an intimidating sight.

Draig smirked seeing he had won this round.

"Father why have you brought this child here, I hope it isn't another story of your bleeding heart" sighed a woman this time casting a scathing glance at Draig however the Feratu returned a glare of his own causing the woman to look at him with a bit of interest.