The Terrifying Flower Protector

Draig was passed out though he didn't require treatment, miraculously his wounds had healed before he arrived but it seemed manifesting his Avatar had drained him spiritually. However while he was recovering his energy the Emperor was having a serious conversation with his children.

"Father you can't be serious" started Akio but the Emperor would hear none of his denials.

"The boy is clearly something sent by the heavens" started the Emperor before Hideki interrupted this time.

"Just because he can play with paper doesn't mean he is chosen by the heavens father, I think you are still rattled from Baipa attempting to take your life" stated Hideki as he wasn't fond of the Emperor's plan either.

"That is only one reason, last night Draig manifested his avatar without any formal training" continued the Emperor which surprised the group before him but it wasn't unheard of. Seeing their doubt still the Emperor continued.