Not my Avatar pt 7

'Finally' thought Draig as he walked through the streets of the nostalgic city, this was the place he had first appeared in this world and where he had gained the opportunity become a Deva. Caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice the incoming assault until it was almost to late but suddenly a talisman was flung out creating a barrier protecting him from his would be attacker.

"So it is you" stated a girl with Chestnut brown hair.

"Do I know you" asked Draig as he couldn't remember meeting a person like this the last time he was here.

"It's me Ari, don't you remember" asked the Girl with a pout.

"I remember an Ari but your a bit different than how I recall" stated Draig as the girl was now getting into her late teens and had experience her own growth spurts.

"Well yeah, it's only natural that I grew up too" laughed Ari thinking Draig to be a silly person.