Not my Avatar pt9: Thousand fold Blade

Clang..... Clang.... Dink.... Dink

The constant banging of metal against metal resounded through out the room Draig and Ginji resided in during the forging process, the man known as the Sword God was busy trying to figure out how he was going to turn such a large piece of red hot metal into a single useable weapon.

It wouldn't have been such an issue but the fact that the Feratu had asked him to take so many weapons and make them into one had given him quite the challenge. Sighing to himself he continued hammering diligently under the watchful eyes of Draig, soon he had flattened the blades into a flat piece of metal but it was this moment where Ginji noticed an impurity in the blade and began working to get rid of it.

Nodding to himself after having handled the oddity he folded the blade only to narrow his eyes when he saw more impurities appearing within the blade.

'Shoddy craftsmanship' grunted Ginji mentally.